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Re: Latest proposal re HELO checking: make HELO tests optional

2004-03-06 14:02:39
Hi !!

While testing HELO, as while testing the header from for a null sender,
it's ok to convert a softfail result to a fail result ?

SPF can not, of course, dictate how the owner of an MTA must run their
system.  So, it is "ok" to do whatever you want to do.

The SPF spec, however, says:

So, I would highly recommend against converting softfail into fail.
Doing so will cause publishers of SPF records to be reluctant to use
softfail.  If they could confidently state that the message was a
forgery, they would have used fail, not softfail.

that's clear when you test the envelope sender. Now let's supose that
you want to spf-test a HELO argument and you get 'softfail', it's
almost sure that the domain owner has used softfail to avoid breaking
forwarding. In the other hand it has nosense to allow any unknow host
to use your domain in the HELO, but as you are not able to specify a
softfail for envelope sender tests and a fail for helo's ,maybe a
softfail could be safely 'converted' to a fail when testing helo's.

Best regards ...

Famous last words - Lion at the Circus of Rome: Burp..

   David Saez Padros                http://www.ols.es
   On-Line Services 2000 S.L.       e-mail  david(_at_)ols(_dot_)es
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   08184 Palau-Solita i Plegamans   movil   +34 670 35 27 53