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Re: Publishing of SPF Records

2004-04-15 05:19:23
 "Stefan Engelbert" <stefan(_at_)gfi(_dot_)com> writes:

Why is publishing sticking so strictly to DNS? If http publishing would
be allowed as well lots of lowcost Domain
owners would be able to publish their records.

There are quite a few reasons to restrict the SPF record publication
to DNS:

* DNS is *FAR* cheaper to check than things like HTTP.  I'm guessing a
  factor of 10 or so in terms of both bandwidth and time.

* SPF records are closely related to the mail server addresses.  Mail
  server addresses are recorded in the DNS, so it makes sense to have
  SPF records in the same location.  It is more likely to be
  maintained that way.

* Software to fetch DNS records is pretty common in most languages and
  any SPF implementation needs to do general DNS lookups anyway.
  Software to fetch stuff via HTTP or FTP is less common and tends to
  be far more bulky, with features that are not at all needed for what
  SPF needs.

* Being able to add stuff to a domains zone file is generally more
  tightly controlled and more secure than access to their website.
  Therefore, you can be more certain that the SPF records you receive
  from DNS reflect the domain owner's wishes.

The last two items are fairly weak reasons, but the first one is
pretty critical.


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