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Re: spf-draft-200404.txt -- Happy spammers

2004-04-25 23:36:24
On Mon, Apr 26, 2004 at 08:29:00AM +0200, Roger Moser wrote:
| > If the domain does not exist (NXDOMAIN) an SPF client MUST return
| > "unknown".
| This will make the spammers and virus authors happy. Now they simply have to
| use a return-path with an non-existing domain, and their spam or virus will
| be delivered.

I'll see your section 3 and raise you a section 8.3.

   SPF is only one component in a policy engine.  An SPF-conformant SMTP
   receiver is NOT REQUIRED to perform SPF tests on messages whose
   dispositions have already been decided on the basis of other policy.

     Example 1: if an SMTP receiver requires that sender domains must
     possess MX or A records, and rejects transactions where they do
     not, then SPF tests are moot.