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Re: I RTFM but still have a simple ?

2004-04-26 07:23:07
begin  Monday 26 April 2004 15:38, Daniel Taylor quote:
For domains with users that legitimately use forwarding services that do
not generate a valid (local to the forwarder) envelope from, simply
set ?all or ~all in the SPF record.

Should it really the sender's responsibility to care about forwarding?
Usually, forwarding has been set up by the _receiver_, and the sender
often has no way of knowing that adresses that he sends to might be

IMHO, forwarding is one case which is best handled by the receiver,
even if this flies against the principle that SPF policy is
sender-defined. That's what the various local_policy extension of the
milter are for.

Still, I don't think that SPF would lose its "moral authority" over
this, because these local policy exceptions for forwarder can only
make SPF more permissive, never more restrictive. That is, a mail
message might get accepted even though the sender said it shouldn't,
but never the other way round.
