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Re: Forking SPF into The New SPF and SPF1

2004-06-07 08:24:18
Amazing, I never read this before posting my previous email. This is exactly 
what I meant, and I have been on the verge of proposing something like this 
myself. I'm not sure if I'm in on this mutiny, only because i'm waiting if 
SPFv2 is going to be as bad as it looks like it is going to be.

Anyway, it proves my point that the schism is already there, has been for a 


On Mon, Jun 07, 2004 at 05:08:16PM +0200, Julian Mehnle wrote:
Hi all,

for a number of reasons, all of which have been discussed at length in the
past, I'm highly dissatisfied by the "XML in DNS" and "XML format is
preferred" concepts of The New SPF.  In my eyes, none of these reasons
have been invalidated to a satisfactory level, so I have decided not to
use and support The New SPF.  (I'm not being huffy, I'm just not going to
bite the "XML in DNS" bullet.)

I'm thinking about forking SPF into "The New SPF" and a non-XML "SPF1"
variant, i.e. keep The Old SPF going separately and independently from The
New SPF.

Who's with me?

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