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RE: Forking SPF into The New SPF and SPF1

2004-06-07 13:14:39
On Mon, 2004-06-07 at 13:03, Michel Py wrote:
Which leaves a huge question mark whether DNS queries over TCP are actually 
to work as nobody's ever used them. That's why I like Tim's thing better, as 
over TCP is proven and easy to publish. And it would not create extra strain 
the DNS infrastructure. As an added bonus, HTTPS could be specified instead of
HTTP, making MITM attacks more difficult.

There is little question here.  Transfers over TCP happen in DNS all the
time.  Indeed likely every zone transfer (AXFR) as well as, any time a
query (recursive or otherwise) exceeds 'X' DNS automagically switches to
TCP.  In fact, in a PERFECT world we would all use keyservers instead...
something actually designed to handle this very thing...

I've said this before, thats a neat idea, but a bad one.  I would rather
have the DNS servers handle the TCP load than farming it off anywhere
else given the alternative.  My issue is forcing the use of TCP period! 
TCP is expensive eh?  I did the math in here before, UDP is
significantly less expensive, and I'm not exaggerating here.  UDP
because of its size and because it doesn't have to negotiate a
connection is also FASTER.
Could you post an example? I think I understand what you want to do but
 I could not figure out how to make it work within what is defined
 in draft-ietf-marid-core-00.txt

That's exactly how I understood it, and it does make a lot of sense to me.

XML in DNS is just plain stupid.  I'll be leaving the playground should
the moon ever turn blue and i'll be taking my ball with me!



James Couzens,
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