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Re: Re[2]: Why SOFTFAIL

2004-06-29 05:46:26
On Tue, 29 Jun 2004 11:42:54 +1000, Chris Drake wrote

As for David Brodbeck's comment " Anyone who relies on email for
"life-and-death situations" should NOT be using client-side baysian
filtering (or any client-side filtering, for that matter.)  If they
are, it's their own fault when they lose legitimate mail.  Baysian
filtering generates false positives by design -- they're a necessary
part of the training process. "

... well - it speaks for itself.  Send a bunch of flowers with "I 
told you so, Love David." to their headstone.  Not everyone knows 
what a baysian (or other) filter is - and most likely not anyone in 
life-and-death situations, who no doubt have more pressing things to 
think about.

I assume you're engaging in a bit of hyperbole.  I would hope people in real
life-and-death situations would be using something more reliable than email! 
Email (and, frankly, the Internet in general) just isn't reliable enough for
that kind of thing.  Actually relying on email for something that could cause
a death would be the height of irresponsibility.