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AOL & ".vacation" forwarding ?

2004-07-14 08:08:38
I just got a "bounce" from AOL after an email I sent to a
non-AOL-address was forwarded intact (I publish SPF -all) to AOL.

Is anyone else getting these?

I wouldn't mind ordinarily, except I spent an hour on the phone to AOL
because the wording of the bounce insinuated that my whole site is
"banned due to huge volumes of complaints" failed after I sent the message.
   Remote host said: 554-:  (HVU:B1)

However - they confirmed from the content of the email that this is
not the case, and the postmaster tech was stumped as to what could
have caused the bounce.

Are there any AOL techs on this list?  If so - and you're honoring SPF
now - can you please correct your error messages!

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