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Re: Is SPF serving the best interests of the end-user?

2004-07-22 21:00:12

Considerably more now than before; thank you for the references.

I looked at each product's homepage briefly. Here's my snap evaluation of each:

http://tmda.net : used fewest (perhaps no) absolute terms in describing the product. I will likely install it soon.

http://www.titankey.com : used several exclusive and absolute terms in describing their product, which induces a healthy skepticism. Logically, easily to refute. Practically, has little useful meaning. Linguistically, implies and induces emotional context. In other words, I think they feel a little too strongly about themselves, and perhaps want others to feel that way too. Terms like "worlds first" "the only product that..." "all other products..." are a sure way of invalidating a statement. They do not use many terms that realistically describe amplitude, frequency, and duration; things that humans really need to communicate subjective ideas accurately. Perhaps they've got a good product, but I think they communicate so poorly that I won't be finding out any time soon. At the very least, I'm not inclined to trust what they say.

http://www.vanquish.com : also used many absolutes, however, fewer pride-based statements than my least preferred of the trio. (these guys mostly refrain from claiming to be the best, only, first, etc) The punishment button is still giving me the giggles. Bad spammer! Baaaaaad!

Again, Meng, thank you for the pointers. My preference is strongly in favour TMDA right now. Perhaps SPF can integrate with it somehow...


On Jul 22, 2004, at 7:18 PM, Meng Weng Wong wrote:

Nevin, how familiar are you with:

  TMDA tagged addresses
