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Re: Re: change of version string

2004-08-05 22:21:38
Given this response, I must ask what the heck is going on?
What is with you folks? Geez, I'm just a guy who's been doing a bunch of heavy lifting as best I can. Don't get all wonky with me!

It would also be helpful to get answers on the following
questions, although they may be outside of your purview:
Please. If you want to know what the MARID working group thinks or what it decided to do, just go and read the mailing list and the transcripts. (The jabber session from yesterday includes notes from the scribes and others.) I'm going to give up trying to relay that info, 'cause it is late and I don't appreciate being beaten up for it.

I suggest guidance is required for all those involved with
ongoing development.
Well, between your message and Wayne's, that's a funny way to ask for it!

I'm going to bed -- maybe I'll be in a better mood tomorrow. Or perhaps after I do the hours and hours of draft editing I agreed to do before next Friday.

        - Mark