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Re: Which address of this list should auto-responses go?

2004-08-21 02:34:30
At 10:12 AM 8/21/2004 +0100, you wrote:
AccuSpam <support(_at_)accuspam(_dot_)com> writes:

I disagree. The 'correct' answer is that if you use an auto-response
(or other challenge) system then you *MUST* whitelist the mailing
lists to which you subscribe.

Oh I agree with that and had already written that much earlier:


"If I whitelist the people on the list, they never see my auto-response..."

I think you miss the subtle difference here. I did not suggest
whitelisting the people on the list, but the list *itself*.

I knew what you meant.  Obviously whitelisting each member of list would be 
ridiculous for AccuSpam users.

That is,
you should not sent challenges to mails sent via the mailing lists to
which you subscribe. Thus if I post to a list to which you also
subscribe, I would not expect to receive an auto-response. But if I
was to send you email directly, not via a mailing list, I would expect
to receive an auto-response from you.

Agreed except realize that the user is whitelisting so the user may forget at 
first.  You don't need to flame him for a honest mistake.  That is why I 
preferred the list provide a null return address to insure mistakes can not 
happen.  I was trying to make Mark stop complaining.

But I agree that user manual whitelist is the best we can do unless lists are 
