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Re: Fw: Received your email: [Re: (spf-discuss) Opening Debate on SPF vs. SenderKeys]

2004-08-21 22:52:24
guy wrote:

Mark, you may be at fault!

If your blocking did not send a "554 Rejected" (or similar) then the
sender, accuspam may have received a transient error.
If he got a transient error, he is expected to re-send after a delay,
and continue for days. Normal I think is to re-try every
4 hours for 5 days.

Do you know what response your system sent to his email server?

My server sends out an extended SMTP code, "550, 5.7.1", to those that are
blacklisted. There is nothing transient about it. :) You should see my
statistic of how many spammers ignore 5.x codes, though. I even made a local
DNSBL, just for such rogue spammers. My rule is: you get on that list if you
ignore a 5.x code more than 10 times within the same connection.

That is not to say there was not some sort of transient error, of course. In
fact, I think there probably was. His message, at any rate, did not make
contact here until about 10 AM yesterday morning (and there is nothing in my
log to indicate that this particular message was ignoring earlier 5.x

- Mark

        System Administrator Asarian-host.org

"If you were supposed to understand it,
we wouldn't call it code." - FedEx

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