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RE: Suggest New Mechanism Prefix NUMBER to Accelerate SPF Adoption

2004-08-25 13:21:43

Agreed on [...] portion.

But I do not agree that ~ is 0.5 or that ? is 0.1.

Matthew.van.Eerde wrote:
I was thinking on the lines that ~ means "all bets are off" - so
there's a 50% authorization.  From a conditional probability
perspective, conditioning on a 50% chance is a no-op.

Correct and agreed.

I agree that the assignment of 0.1 to ? is arbitrary.  Perhaps ? should
continue to mean SOFTFAIL and not have any probability assigned to it. 

Agreed.  My previous outlined the danger of setting any value to this:


Or perhaps it has probability 0+, or epsilon, for some sufficiently
small value of epsilon. ;)

Disagree as per previous post above.

If the include recursively returned (say) a result of 0.75, that
would be multiplied by the 0.85.

AccuSpam wrote
No I would not do that.  That is not mathematically correct.
I would just return the probability of the rule which caused exit
from the SPF rule chain. 

But I don't necessarily trust the included partner as much as I trust
myself.  If I own the included domain, I'd use a prefix of 1, or +, or
leave it out.  That would return your result.  But I'd like to be able
to control the authority I give to my partners to a finer degree than
just "I trust this guy, and that guy, and that guy over there."

Say I trust partner.example.com with 80% probability.  But they
subcontract to subcontractor.example.com with 90% probability of trust.
My trust of subcontractor.example.com is only (80% * 90%) = 72%.

my.example.com: v=spf2... 0.8include:partner.example.com
partner.example.com: v=spf2... 0.9include:subcontractor.example.com
subcontractor.example.com: v=spf2... mx -all

Yes I agree.  I misunderstood previously.  I thought you meant chaining the 
probabilities of each rule (token) in your SPF line as they did not match.  You 
mean chaining the includes.  Agreed.

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