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Re: Resent-*

2004-09-25 10:03:23
"Graham" == Graham Murray "Re: Resent-*"
 Sat, 25 Sep 2004 07:57:45 +0100

    Graham> Frank Ellermann <nobody(_at_)xyzzy(_dot_)claranet(_dot_)de> writes:
    >> Bouncing MUAs, shudder.  Is that a pre-MIME MUA, or do you know
    >> why it doesn't use message/rfc822 ?  I'm just curious, because
    >> I've never seen a Resent-* message.

    Graham> I cannot speak for Pine, but gnus also allows resending
    Graham> which will insert Resent-* headers. It also (and more
    Graham> commonly) allows the forwarding as a message/rfc822 MIME
    Graham> attachment. The difference is that when forwarding you are
    Graham> creating a new message, which is shown as coming from you,
    Graham> and can add your own text, or other MIME parts. When
    Graham> resending, the message is sent unaltered (apart from the
    Graham> addition of Resent-* headers) and the (forwarded to)
    Graham> recipient sees the message as coming from the original
    Graham> sender.

    Graham> From the point of view of the recipient of the
    Graham> forwarded/resent message, any reply to the forwarded
    Graham> message will go to the forwarder but a reply to the resent
    Graham> message goes to the original sender.

    Graham> Thinking of it in terms of 'snail' mail. Using forwarding
    Graham> as a message/rfc822 attachment is like receving a letter,
    Graham> opening it, writing a covering note (something like, "I
    Graham> think you might be interested in this", or "this was sent
    Graham> to me by mistake") and enclosing the contents of the
    Graham> original letter and the covering note in a new
    Graham> envelope. Using the 'Resend' is like crossing out the
    Graham> address on the envelope, writing the correction and
    Graham> putting it back in the mail without opening the
    Graham> envelope. (I know that this analogy is not quite right as
    Graham> the original recipient of the email can see inside the
    Graham> "envelope" before redirecting it)

Excellent explanation.

For years I have had a policy of PGP signing all my outgoing mail with
only trivial and clearly delineated exceptions.  When I "bounce" a
mail to someone else without change, Gnus (and other MUAs I have used,
such as for example MH) adds resent header fields as per rfc2822 but
the Message-Id is unchanged and I do not sign the message.  Had the
original author signed the entire body of the mail, my "bouncing" the
mail, or, more accurately, my _resending_ the mail would not modify
the signature nor the signed material.  When I modify the message body
in any way I sign it and the message gets, among other things, a new
Message ID.  I believe this to have been a respectable practice since
early on, and apart from signing, from long before PGP.

Resending, or "Bouncing", is, IMHO, indispensable.


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