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Re: hera.wprost.pl has a bad SPF checker

2004-10-12 20:28:47
In <20041012174926(_dot_)GH334(_at_)dumbo(_dot_)pobox(_dot_)com> Meng Weng Wong 
<mengwong(_at_)dumbo(_dot_)pobox(_dot_)com> writes:

this points to the need for an implementation conformance
test suite.

I once tried to create a conformance test that could be used accross
multiple implementations.  You never used it, and James stopped using
it a while ago.

I don't see the point in continuing.

Anyway, conformance tests won't catch every bug.

if the postmaster for hera.wprost.pl is around: please
upgrade to the latest software.

The bug that businessweek.com is encountering is likely a bug in
libspf2.  To the best of my knowledge, Shevek fixed it several months
ago, although it is very possible that some distributions are still
using the older code.

I'm not sure who to contact at businessweek.com, but the bug can be
worked around by replacing the "ptr" with "ptr:mcgraw-hill.com" in
mcgraw-hill.com's SPF record.


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