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Re: Agenda for FTC/NIST Email Authentication Summit

2004-10-29 14:06:06
On Fri, 29 Oct 2004 14:48:48 -0500, wayne <wayne(_at_)midwestcs(_dot_)com> 
In <7ae58c2204102908236e55d1e6(_at_)mail(_dot_)gmail(_dot_)com> Michael 
Hammer <dotzero(_at_)gmail(_dot_)com> writes:

Yep, this is interesting.

An "Email Authentication Summit" with *no* mention of SPF.  Microsoft
will be presenting SenderID, with the assistence of Meng.

Can anyone make it to this and be willing to represent SPF?


You've obviously never been to one of these shindigs. While the public
is invited, the panelists will be doing the speaking. There will be
tables set up with the panelists and there will be a table at the
front for the FTC commissioners and staff.

There will be public seating but if it is anything like the last one I
was at (1997 as a panelist on Internet Privacy - I got the 3rd rail,
childrens privacy). Overflow crowd will likely be seated in another 
room with a television monitor.

I'll be there on behalf of my company so I'm not in a position to
represent SPF.

I do plan on expressing my concerns to various parties regarding
retrofitting PRA to already published SPF1 records. I want to
emphasize that this is not an anti-Microsoft position. I simply
believe that it is technologically wrong and leads to bad outcomes.
