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Re: Meeting in person next week

2004-11-05 16:18:06
On Fri, 2004-11-05 at 15:30 -0800, william(at)elan.net wrote:
There have been several times on this list that people mentiond possibility
of meeting of some of the list participants in person in Washington during 
the week of IETF and FTC summit.

Well, that is now next week, so those of you who are interested, please
respond if you want to do it and what would be good time (probably 
sometime in the evening) on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday and if
anybody is ready to volunteer to host it.

I would love to go William, but sadly its looking like I'm not going to
be able to obtain the funds necessary.  I've been graciously granted the
time off work but I've been unable to garner funds sufficient to see
myself in DC next week.

I'm still _VERY_ open to going, but short of a financial miracle its
looking like I'll be web-casting whatever is available.



James Couzens,
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