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Re: Re: Formal call for nominations for people to sit on the "SPF Leadership Council"

2004-11-09 09:33:23
On Tue, 2004-11-09 at 16:52 +0100, Frank Ellermann wrote:
jpinkerton wrote:

There is no limit to the number of nominations

James list included almost everybody I can think of, I'd like
to add Mark Lentczner (if he's not willing to stand that would
at least answer one of my open questions) and Meng Weng Wong.

One nomination with one seconder will ensure that the
name is put forward to a vote.

I'm not sure how many nominations I can second, therefore I
pick only two from James's list:

Stephane - IETF liaison and privacy officer
Anne     - legal stuff and public relations

You may second as many as you please, as well as nominate.  Apparently
I'm not allowed to nominate or second myself as per the addendum, which
I will respect since it seems reasonable.  Perhaps someone would be kind
enough nominate me.



James Couzens,
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