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Re: I am not back (yet)

2004-11-15 12:26:37
On Mon, 2004-11-15 at 20:06 +0100, Koen Martens wrote:
Hello List,

I have received some abusive mail from James Couzens privately. In
between the suggestions about my age and other insults he wrote that he
thought I would have to post some explanation as to why i am all of a
sudden 'back'.

I have replied to Koen in accordance with the guidelines of acceptable
posting to this list as has been made abundantly clear.  I would like to
make it known that the e-mails sent to Koen (two of them) were of an
entirely personal nature, and I'm bewildered why he feels the need to
bring them up on this list.  

If this issue is of interest to anyone on this list I will make the
emails in question available, and for what its worth the contents both
times contained commendation for the excellent effort that he had been
putting forth on the HELP lists.  Again, I'm completely bewildered by
his misinterpretation of the emails and further that he felt the need to
publicly post them here.



James Couzens,
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