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Re: using both SPF and DomainKeys

2004-11-19 21:22:27
On Fri, 2004-11-19 at 22:31 -0500, Meng Weng Wong wrote:
DomainKeys supports localpart customization with the use of
selectors, just as SPF supports localpart customization with
the use of exists:%{l}.  So both systems support localparts.

Well this is NOT 100% correct, *please* reread the DomainKeys
Specification and then check out the dk-filter implementation from

I strongly recommend that folks reread the latest
documentation for DK, IIM, and SES if they wish to comment
on cryptographic solutions.


Same comment here, you say to read ... please re-read and then implement
the filter before commenting on HOW it works you seem to miss a few KEY
points and subtleties in the use of what you all "localparts"

Just my 2 pesos

Michael Weiner

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