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Re: My notes from FTC Summit with statistics (was: Sendmail white paper)

2004-11-26 05:44:38
2. Earthlink numbers 
 90% of emails that passes SPF is spam
 90% of emails that fails SPF is spam

So 10% of the mail that fails SPF is valid? That's a lot. Or does 'spam'
in this context not include certain classes of unwanted stuff, like

Not sure, ask Earthlink (look at FTC website for panelist from earthlink, 
there was only one). My guess is that they meant that 10% of emails 
that failed SPF was not identified as spam by means of some other spam 
test system, but does not necessarily means it is not spam (i.e. not
every spam email is identifed as spam by automated means). 

I do know that Earthlink said they were not rejecting emails based on SPF
and that these tests were run only for portion of their emails for testing
purposes only. That is unlike GoDaddy who are actually rejecting emails 
based on -all spf records.

 40% of emails that does not publish is spam

What I'd really like to see in these statistics is the number of spams
mails which are rejected by SPF which _wouldn't_ have been rejected by
other means, vs. the number of false rejections, which is possible the
10% quoted above although as I said, that seems higher than I expected.

Yes that would be good to see but I would assume it requires human to
look at every one of the emails from these 10% (rejected only by spam)
and decide if it is spam or not. 

Above actually I meant:

 Yes that would be good to see but I would assume it requires human to
 look at every one of the emails from these 10% (rejected only by spf 
 but not seen as spam) and decide if it is really spam or not. 

William Leibzon
Elan Networks