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RE: Attacking Domain Keys

2004-12-01 02:01:27
On Tue, 2004-11-30 at 16:01 -0800, Hallam-Baker, Phillip wrote:

I have been designing crypto protocols for over a decade. You do not have
the standing in that community to dismiss others with 'go read the

I've been taking a shit for almost three decades, and if I happen to be
overly flatulent and those nearby point this out, citing that I should
probably hit the throne room and drop the kids off at the pool, and I
retort that I'm a professional and that I know what I'm doing, does that
make it right?  

Actually, the burden of responsibility to relieve myself is squarely
upon my shoulders, just as it is upon you do go and do some research.
No one is special on this list, least of all someone from Verislime, a
company who has been flagrantly scamming the world over playing on the
severe lack of comprehension present within the business community as
relates to doing business on-line with the notion that a site is "more
secure" just because your company, or any other company for that matter
says so by "signing" a certificate.  I bet you would just love to do to
SMTP what you fellows managed to do to HTTP.

I respect your time spent in the cryptography community, however, this
does not preclude you from ignorance, nor arrogance, so I suggest you
step down from your horse Sir., and go and do some reading.  Seth has
made more posts on this matter than I care to even tally at this moment.
If you wish to comment on the matter, it is fully your responsibility to
educate yourself on the matter, and information relating to this subject
is plentiful.


James Couzens,
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