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Re: Re: Security Wire Perspectives mentions SenderID

2004-12-15 09:56:16
On Wed, 2004-12-15 at 07:20 -0500, Hector Santos wrote:
Obvious SPF was in use. There were plenty of people providing SPF
stats, Wayne including myself talked about SPF stats quite often.

I've seen stats on SPF _publication_ which currently set the number of
domains publishing SPF at just over two hundred thousand¹ out of a total
of 65 million² domains -- about 0.3%.

To the nearest percentage point, that's a zero percent rate of
publication -- and that's _including_ the records with '?all' and the
ones which say just '-all' because they send no mail. It may also be
including multiple subdomains too; I'm not sure.

That's not even the most interesting statistic though -- I'd be more
interested in a figure on the number of people who are actually
_rejecting_ mail due to SPF failures. Does anyone have statistics on

¹ http://spftools.net/register.php