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Re: Email Forwarder's Protocol ( EFP )

2005-02-21 20:03:30
At 07:32 PM 2/21/2005 -0600, Dennis Olvany wrote:

Why do we even need to bother with concessions for forwarders?

The key to success in changing the culture around internet spam is the smoothness of the adoption process for the new methods that will finally end spam. People have given up and now accept spam as the cost of using email. They won't tolerate disruptions in their daily routines, because they don't believe any good will come of it. Too many past promises have been broken.

The problems are not technical, but social engineering. Everything from mail server programs to the use of blocklists must change in small increments, with each increment offering a benefit to the adopter which exceeds the cost. A new domain-rating list should not be used immediately as a blocklist, but rather to generate a domain-rating factor, which can be used by a spam filter along with the traditional content-based factors. Gradually, as the lists improve, the weight of the domain rating factor can be increased.

Eventually the domain-rating lists will be such an important factor that everyone will have to pay attention. At that point, we can expect a rush as ISPs hire consultants to help them stop their outgoing spam, and forwarders figure out how to make the much simpler changes that they need to make.

Meanwhile, I have to rely on forwarders like ieee.org, and pobox.com to do the best they can with what they have. I have to make a few concessions, like putting them on my whitelist.

-- Dave

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