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RE: Email Forwarder's Protocol ( EFP )

2005-02-22 09:03:11
At 11:54 AM 2/22/2005 +0000, Mark wrote:
Dave wrote:

> If the IP address is recorded in a header, then a bounce could be sent
> even *after* the SMTP session is closed.

Why? An SPF query either passes or fails (in the narrow sense that a
connection is either REJECT-ed/TEMP-failed or passed through). If it
passes, then there is, thereafter, no longer a reason to send a bounce
based on the result of the SPF-query. Right?

An SPF query could result in a "SOFTFAIL", and that result should be passed on to the final recipient's spam filter. A bounce might come as late as several hours, when the recipient hits a "Reject as Spam" button. That reject should be treated as a "bounce" and follow authenticated addresses all the way back to its source.

How do you currently handle soft fails?

-- Dave

*************************************************************     *
* David MacQuigg, PhD              * email:  dmq at gain.com      *  *
* IC Design Engineer               * phone:  USA 520-721-4583  *  *  *
* Analog Design Methodologies                                  *  *  *
*                                  * 9320 East Mikelyn Lane     * * *
* VRS Consulting, P.C.             * Tucson, Arizona 85710        *
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