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Re: Use of New Mask Mechanism

2005-03-26 10:00:48
Radu Hociung wrote:
David MacQuigg wrote:

The DNS Load Research thread is getting way to long with too many topics. Let's start a new thread to work out the details of how the new mask mechanism should be used. Radu has a good start with his procedural outline below. I inserted one added condition, based on my current understanding of DNS, which may be flawed.

Great idea. Thank you! :)

SPF users should be urged to keep their compiled records simple (list of IPs only) and shorter than 450 bytes. Our Best Practices document, and some good examples of large domains like rr.com, should show that this is possible. The advanced mechanisms should be documented in an appendix, to be used only for the rare cases where they are truly needed, like an "SPF Obfuscation Contest" :>)

Yes, Andy has volunteered to kick-start the Best Practices documentation based on available sources and ideas we have discussed already (If I understood his offer correctly).

I would suggest that once he's done a first path, including as much info as he can find, then we all can offer text that has not already been addressed, or improve the existing text.

I would almost make the 450-byte limit an implementation requirement for compilers. It is already in the draft.

We might want to consider a different syntax for the mask mechanism, considering how difficult it has been to explain, even to the experts on this list. I suggest a simple "not" operator, which complements whatever follows. -!ip4: means reject any IP *outside* of the given block. This term would be evaluated in the normal sequence, like any other. To be useful, the compiler would always place it at the beginning of the record.

I'm ok with changing the syntax, but it looked to me that it wasn't the name of the *modifer* that caused confusion, but functional differences between it and the existing ip *mechanisms*.

Also. Whatever syntax we chose, it has to be compatible with the current draft, else existing SPF implementations would break instantly.

The ! between the prefix and the mechanism is not legal according to current syntax. Also, since we do need a *modifier*, not a *mechanism*, the syntax for the modifier name is alphanumeric characters only, followed by '='. Anything can follow the = except space :

   modifier         = redirect / explanation / unknown-modifier
   unknown-modifier = name "=" macro-string
   name             = ALPHA *( ALPHA / DIGIT / "-" / "_" / "." )

   macro-string     = *( macro-expand / macro-literal )
   macro-expand     = ( "%{" macro-letter transformer *delimiter "}" )
                      / "%%" / "%_" / "%-"
   macro-literal    = %x21-24 / %x26-7E
                      ; visible characters except "%"
   macro-letter     = "s" / "l" / "o" / "d" / "i" / "p" / "h" /
                      "c" / "r" / "t"
   transformer      = *DIGIT [ "r" ]
   prefix           = "+" / "-" / "?" / "~"

Actually, if I read the above correctly, -m= is not legal. m-= is ok, but m~= and m?= are not. So lets make it

   m = [PREFIX] [IP notation]

where [IP notation] is defined like in the bind man page (man named.conf):

     ip_prefix      An IP network specified in dotted-decimal
                    form, followed by "/" and then the number of
                    bits in the netmask.  E.g. 127/8 is the
                    network with netmask
           is network with netmask

     dotted-decimal One or more integers valued 0 through 255
                    separated only by dots ("."), such as 123,
                    45.67 or

For IPv6, RFC3513 speficies how the net-blocks should be specified:

   "The text representation of IPv6 address prefixes is similar to the
   way IPv4 addresses prefixes are written in CIDR notation [CIDR].  An
   IPv6 address prefix is represented by the notation:



      ipv6-address    is an IPv6 address in any of the notations listed
                      in section 2.2.

      prefix-length   is a decimal value specifying how many of the
                      leftmost contiguous bits of the address comprise
                      the prefix."


   mask-string      = [ prefix ] ip-netblock
   ip-netblock      = as per bind MAN page for IPv4 or RFC3513 for IPv6

Once again, the mask would not work as a mechanism (unless it was in include, like Frank mentioned), because each mechanism can return a match. the mask modifiers can return a match only after *all of them* have been checked against the IP. Think of a mask like m=65/6 m=214/6. For senders in the 214 net, your proposed -!ip4 mechanism would wrongfully declare the 214 sources as "FAIL".

Also, I would revert back to my original syntax that allows m=65/6 instead of requiring m= Both would work of course, but the simpler syntax would be legal. This is because I don't understand why that syntax has to be compatible with other systems. Maybe someone can explain. I think that as long as the checkers recognize the mask modifier, they will also know (from the draft) how to interpret its contents.

At 12:15 AM 3/26/2005 -0500, Radu wrote:

Let me quote the rules for creating masks first:

If no compiler
   1. there is no masking, or you'd have to insert it manually,
   which is inconvenient and error prone.

elseif compiler is used
   2. If compiled with cron, or once in a while, -flatten should
   not be used. There will be left-over mechanisms whose
   resulting IP address may change (administrative gap)
   Thus, masks MUST not be added, since while they work initially
   they would break the record when the ISP changes their
   3. If compiled with cron, and -flatten not used, but the record
   compiles into a list of IPs anyway (ie, you list no mechanisms
   that lie outside your adminstrative boundary), then it may
   include masks if useful.

Masks should be added to a list of IPs, only if that list is already too long to fit in one 512-byte DNS response message. In this case, a mask may allow the SPF check to return a FAIL without initiating a TCP connection to retrieve the full DNS message.

The compiler currently has an option to specify the max length of an output SPF string, in case a name server has a lower limit for the length of TXT records.

So the number of characters allowed by the name server software will dictate the max length of string that the compiler is configured to produce. Since the mask has to be in the first record, it will cause the compiler to shorten the number of bytes used for mechanisms such that the the top record, including the mask and any other modifiers fits within the server's TXT record limit.

I am afraid it won't be so easy to provide a clear number like "450".

Bind insists on providing the NS records for the zone with every response. The more you have, the less room is available for the TXT record. Also when the domain name is longer, that takes some space away too. Ie, in the response packet of _s4.ohmi.org, the name takes up 13 bytes, but for a _s4.longer-domain.name.com, it takes more space, leaving less available for the TXT record.

It looks to me like it will take some work to figure out how many bytes are available for the TXT record, and what all the variables are.

At ohmi I use 3 name servers and BIND, and the biggest TXT record I can fit into a 512-byte UDP packet is 357 bytes. YMMV, but it proves that even a seemingly conservative limit (450 or 400) is not always appropriate. If I had more slave name servers or a longer domain name, my usable TXT space would be even less.

So I suspect that for sites that compile their record with a cron job, they should find a value for the -len parameter that works on their system. Alternately, the compiler should automatically figure it out.

Do we have any volunteers to take up the task of understanding the DNS response packet and writing up a report, and a formula/algorithm that can be used the maximum TXT record size available at an arbitrary domain? Reading through RFC 1035 may not be enough, and we have to consider some of the more popular DNS servers to see what their quirks are (for instance insisting to provide additional "helpful" records even though doing so requires them to drop to TCP mode).

This is some real research work that must be done sooner or later.

By the way. Since SPF2/PRA records share the same packet space with the SPF1, we will definately have problems. One of these two MUST move to their own hostname. For instance _spf.{domain_name} or _spf2.{domain_name}.

Since there are more spf1 records than spf2 records currently published, it will probably be PRA that must move.

The move could be done in a backwards compatible way:

If the {domainname} TXT query did not return a PRA record, but did return an SPF1 record, try looking at _spf2.{domain_name}
There is no PRA record, don't do the extra query.

We should bring this up to the PRA people before they get too close to the point of no-changes-acceptable.

   4. Masks can only be reliably inserted when your record is
   completely in your administrative control, as above, or if
   the compiler runs as part of the DNS server.
   5. In that case, the record can be safely flattened *only if*
   the TTLs of all mechanisms are respected,
   including those across the domain boundary. In that case, the
   record, and implicitly the mask get regenerated every time
   the IP list gets regenerated beause of expired TTLs. So,
   the mask always reflects the current record.

   Also, there's an additional condition on inserting masks.
   6. A mask may only be inserted if all mechanisms that cannot be
   compiled into an ip list (those that use the %{l} or %{i} macros)
   are brought up into the top TXT record.
   In other words, a mask may only be inserted if the remaining
   mechanisms in subsequent redirects/includes contain only
   IP lists.
end if.

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