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Re: DNS load research

2005-03-25 13:37:34
Radu Hociung wrote:

So why not use m= ?

Tricky.  Old implementations ignore new modifiers.  And new
implementations are free to ignore them.  You could very easily
get it wrong, a sender policy resulting in FAIL with some new
implementations, and other results with other implementations.

Not exactly user-friendly.  And looking at the exactly _zero_
feedback I got for the updated "op=" draft I doubt that anybody
is interested in new modifiers.  Especially no SPF implementor.

OTOH you're an implementor, you could guarantee that there's at
least one implemetation for your mask-modififier.  If you need
an XML template for an indepedent draft use my old "op=" draft,
see draft-spf-6-3-options-04.xml and the corresponding txt in

                             Bye, Frank

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