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Re: HELO versus MAILFROM results

2005-05-12 10:47:32
In <200505121918(_dot_)18349(_dot_)bulk(_at_)mehnle(_dot_)net> Julian Mehnle 
<bulk(_at_)mehnle(_dot_)net> writes:

[the relationship between MAIL FROM and HELO deleted]

This is NOT something that needs to be defined globally in order to enable 
domain owners to publish policies that are understood the same way by 
everyone.  We define the HELO and MAIL FROM identities, and we define the 
exact meaning of the various result codes with regard to the identity 
being checked.  That is sufficient.

Thus I propose the following change:

[suggests deleting the mild relationships defined in the drafts]

Well, part of this confusion is due to how I re-added the HELO
checking into the lentczner-spf draft.  The mengwong-spf-01 draft had
a RECOMMENDED algorithm about how to deal with HELO checks and MAIL
FROM checks.  In that algorithm, there were some MUSTs.  I extract
some of the algorithm's text without also noting that the whole thing
is just a recommendation.

I'm not sure how exactly I'm going to clean this up, but I think
something along the lines of Julian's suggestions makes sense.
