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Re: Re: SPF 2/3 maybe it is time to get this going.

2005-06-19 10:06:16
You know  Frank, you do have a keen sense for a "blog" or more appropiate
"Blabber" style of applying rethorical judo, sort of like asking "WHEN DID
YOU LAST BEAT YOUR WIFE?  Probably learned it from your Fidonet days.
I will not fall trap to your games.

I didn't insult anyone and right minded people know exactly what I commented
on and said.  I am confident of that because all you have to do is "Follow
the Mail."

Hector Santos, Santronics Software, Inc.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Frank Ellermann" <nobody(_at_)xyzzy(_dot_)claranet(_dot_)de>
Newsgroups: spf.-.sender.policy.framework.discussion
To: <spf-discuss(_at_)v2(_dot_)listbox(_dot_)com>
Sent: Sunday, June 19, 2005 12:53 PM
Subject: [spf-discuss] Re: SPF 2/3 maybe it is time to get this going.

Hector Santos wrote:

this discussion is a waste

It certainly didn't answer my question what your ESPF-proposal
has to do with chapter 3.4 in draft-lyon-senderid-core versus
chapter 2.4 in draft-schlitt-spf-classic.

You can't complain about SENDER-ID when Meng and Julian are
doing the active promotion of SENDER-ID.

I know Meng's position, all Council members voted for him, we
can check who nominated him, shall we, there's nothing wrong
with different positions if they are only clear.

But if somebody says "all parties need get real here" it's not
clear what that's supposed to mean.  Renaming SID to ESPF is
nothing Mr. Hardie or the SPF Council could do, whether they
want it or not, it's also completely unrelated to the PRA with
v=spf1 problem.

I already stated a while back what my instincts are telling
about this smelly fish.

Are you talking about the MAAWG ?  What's going on, first you
insult the 158 pledge signers incl. four Council members,
William, James, and me, then you attack William for adopting
your ESPF idea, now you attack Julian and his MAAWG invitation
(if I understand you correctly), but what is your point ?

If it helps to get your thoughts sorted, I'm no fan of some
MAAWG members (e.g. doubleclick and spamcast).  Bye, Frank

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