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Re: Problem with SID

2005-06-23 13:58:41

Roger B.A. Klorese wrote:
Terry Fielder wrote:

If the source or contributing factor of your depression (SPAM) is your pre-existing condition of erectile dysfunction (Forwarding)...

Broken analogy. Forwarding is a need and a desire. Erectile disfunction is not.

Clearly analogies are not working for either of us.

then your medecine (SPF) is treating the symptom of depression (SPAM) without addressing at least one of the underlying causes of the disease (Forwarding).

Forwarding is neither a disease nor its cause.
Forwarding without re-addressing is a side effect of a disease where the disease is "allowing forgery".

Blocking forwarding is a broken attempt to solve a problem.

SPF does *not* block forwarding, SPF blocks *forgery*. And if a forwarder is doing forgery style re-injection (no re-addressing) then that forwarder can only function *because* forgery is allowed.

The ability to forward with/without re-addressing to me is re-injection. That is where our opinions differ.

And to most, re-injection requires the "forwarder" to take responsibility.

And to you I suspect forwarding is not re-injection.

But when MTA X gives the message to the target X intended Y, when Y passes msg onto Z it really should be Y (not X) that is responsible for the message getting to Z. Hence to me why it is re-injection whether or not there is re-addressing.

Y is not the intended target.
It most certainly IS for the sender X. If Y was not the target WRT X then X would have sent the email directly to Z.

The end-consumer of the information is the intended target. Y is just an address that is known to move the mail to *or* *closer* *to* the intended target. When I say "send mail to me to x(_at_)foo(_dot_)com" I am not saying that when mail reaches x(_at_)foo(_dot_)com it reaches me. I am saying that mail sent to x(_at_)foo(_dot_)com will ultimately reach me via a path that is none of your business. And as long as I *as* *a* *user* have control over what happens to mail sent to x(_at_)foo(_dot_)com, then that's all you or anyone have a right to know.

And that's the exact argument of those who believe forgery should be allowed.

So we have an unresolvable difference of opinion I believe.

The market will decide.

And I'll bet forgery will die, one way or another.


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Terry Fielder
Associate Director Software Development and Deployment
Great Gulf Homes / Ashton Woods Homes
Fax: (416) 441-9085

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