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Re: Explain please

2005-07-06 08:08:44
On Wed, Jul 06, 2005 at 03:45:27PM +0100, Tony Finch wrote:

I take it you are a forwarder.  If not, you shouldn't experience
any problems and/or your statement in this paragraph isn't correct.
The rest of my reply is written with above in mind.

You keep telling me that I need to change my systems in order to support
your new feature. This is *not* an "interoperable" protocol.

No. We keep telling you that we don't like you to use our name.
Only now we actually have a tool to enforce it somewhat.  That
doesn't mean this is something new.

Compare it to spam.  Most (if not all) people didn't like it. When
RBLs came in place, a tool existed to stop the abuse.  That doesn't
mean we had to cater the spammers to still being able to deliver
their junk.  It is their problem, not ours.


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