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Re: Explain please

2005-07-08 06:46:49

johnp wrote:

Terry Fielder wrote:

william(at)elan.net wrote:

On Fri, 8 Jul 2005, Julian Mehnle wrote:

William Leibzon wrote:

P.S. When telephone call is made and is forwarded somewhere else, what
number do you think is going to show up and who are you talking to?

I don't care.  But what I do know is how it _should_ be:

 CALL FROM:<forwarder>
 Originator: <originator>
 Caller: <forwarder>

This is not going to be very popular. To be more correct many would
probably want both originator and forwarder (which is missing in call data) but almost everyone considers that whoever they are talking to
is who the call is from.

For communications/messaging systems forwarder is a facilitator that
helps in establishing communication path from data origin to data
destintation, it does not replace who the data is from, merely helps
it on the way.

Agreed, 100%. But along the way it *must* identify itself. Else someone out of the blue could fake a message, claim to be a forwarder and fool the destination to think it came from somewhere it did not.

Hence why the RFC2822 From should be left as the original sender, and the RFC2821 should be the forwarder identifying itself

Agreed - but not the next bit -

(unless of course

its known and trusted by the final recipient, then it doesn't need to identify itself).

*ALL* forwarders should identify themselves as the 2821 sender, with an SPF record for me to confirm that with. Then I won't need to use any reputation service.

Actually, I even agree with you. But I was compromising for those who do not want to change their forwarders because they feel trusting them is sufficient.



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Terry Fielder
Associate Director Software Development and Deployment
Great Gulf Homes / Ashton Woods Homes
Fax: (416) 441-9085

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