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Re: John Levine says: SPF Loses Mindshare?

2005-08-02 22:43:00

On Wed, Aug 03, 2005 at 01:15:29AM -0400, development(_at_)crm20(_dot_)com 

>>if you have any control over the mail server, you could add a port on
>>which the mail server will also listen in addition to port 25 then
>>change the smtp port in the email app your Dad uses, to the port you
>>specified on the mail server.
>and add sufficient access controls, or else become an open relay.
>Might as well keep the vpn...

I'm sorry, forgot to mention. but that should go without saying, I mean
SPF is useless anyway if your server is not properly setup =)

No need for an extra port by the way.  Authorized users can be
allowed to send mail from outside to outside. After all, after
authenticating, dad sort of becomes an internal user.

[ great, another "authenticate/authorize" thread :) ]

Actually it's not about "authenticate/authorize" it's about earthlink blocking port 25 for outgoing SMTP, which can be circumvented with using an additional port on the server to listen to SMTP.

Mail server applies the same access controls to the chosen port as to the port 25, so there is no additional security risk and it requires less resources than VPN.