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Re: [spf-discuss] Can this really be true?

2005-09-23 05:53:10

Scott Kitterman wrote:
johnp wrote:

Jeremy Harris wrote:

johnp wrote:

Outlook Express does allow the configuration of SMTP logon by SASL on port 587 - that is why I use it.

I suspect, in this context, you mean SSL not SASL.

No - I don't use SSL.

Unless you are using a shared secret authentication method for SASL, then you should be. Plain/Login methods send passwords in the clear. In this day and age they should only be used with SSL (actually TLS).

Absolutely right - but in the real world there are some mail clients that do not support TLS/SSL - so it's SASL in plain for now. I'll upgrade as soon as the rest of the world can deal with it ;-)


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