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Re: [spf-discuss] Weird spf record

2005-10-29 07:04:28
Words by wayne [Sat, Oct 29, 2005 at 08:43:49AM -0500]:
In <20051029133321(_dot_)GB13644(_at_)co(_dot_)sapo(_dot_)pt> Jose Celestino 
<japc(_at_)co(_dot_)sapo(_dot_)pt> writes:


what can I make of this:

[japc(_at_)morgoth:~]$ dig txt portoeditora.pt
portoeditora.pt.        86400   IN      TXT     "v=spf1" "mx" "ptr" 
"mx:servermail.portoeditora.pt" "mx:smtponi.portoeditora.pt" 
"mx:newsletters.portoeditora.pt" "ip4:" "ip4:" 

Aside the redundancy is this a valid record?

No, this SPF record is not valid.  The separate strings are
concatinated together without any spaces added, and therefore is
equivalent to:

portoeditora.pt.        86400   IN      TXT     


[japc(_at_)morgoth:~/libspf-1.0.0-p3/bin]$ ./spfqtool_static -i -s japc(_at_)portoeditora(_dot_)pt
You didn't give me a helo host, using (nobody)
SPF short result:   neutral

This is incorrect.  The result should be "None" because there isn't a
TXT record that begins with "v=spf1 " (the space is important).

Ok, I've submited a patch to James Couzens.


Jose Celestino | http://xpto.org/~japc/files/japc-pgpkey.asc
"Paquita: Your mother ate my dog! Lionel: Not all of it." - Braindead

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