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Re: [spf-discuss] Re: Is best guess moronic?

2005-11-18 20:25:47
One thing I would point out is that the SPF spec does allow for SPF-Received 
to be extended.


header           = "Received-SPF:" [CFWS] result FWS [comment FWS]
                  [ key-value-list ] CRLF

key              = "client-ip" / "envelope-from" / "helo" /
                  "problem" / "receiver" / "identity" /
                   mechanism / "x-" name / name

Other keys may be defined by SPF clients. Until a new key name becomes 
widely accepted, new key names should start with "x-".

So, I don't think it's inherently wrong to build SPF like results into SPF 
received headers.  The real question would be what to put in result.  To pick 
a currently less controversial example, I would say that for the Trusted 
Forwarder White List the result should be NONE (because it's in TFWL, you 
skipped checking) and then the key might be x-tfwl or x-whitelisted.

Scott K

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