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Re: [spf-discuss] Automated SPF adoption surveys

2005-11-20 13:29:27
In <200511202020(_dot_)45959(_dot_)julian(_at_)mehnle(_dot_)net> Julian Mehnle 
<julian(_at_)mehnle(_dot_)net> writes:

All the above steps beyond obtaining the lists should be easily 
automatable.  Perhaps we could even parallelize the surveys to run on 
servers (or even workstations) of community members other than you alone 
(think SETI(_at_)home)?

Distributing the zone files beyond my control violates the agreement I
have with the registrars.  They seem to be pretty picky about it.

But anyway, the point is that, in theory, this could be completely
automated.  In practice, I haven't gotten to that point yet, and there
is little anyone can do to help me with it.  :-<

Actually, there are a few people who can help.  For example, Andy
Newton and I have resumed our conversations about doing some automated
surveys.  (Andy has permission for the .com/.net zones.)


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