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Re: [spf-discuss] Re: Appeal Question

2006-02-07 08:22:05
On Tue, Feb 07, 2006 at 01:11:44AM -0500, John Hinton wrote:
I still vote NO on the appeal, simply because of the delay and the fact 
the M$ has in the past implimented non-standards, at least in other 
areas, and pretty much forced their (MS's) standards upon the world. I 
fear that any delay simply plays to their hand. They've already started 
by providing SID software on their mailserver systems... more time means 
more mailsystems already running it.

I don't understand this logic. MS is going to deploy what they want no
matter what. They don't believe in MFROM scope. They don't check MFROM
scope. The SenderID specs say one can, but they don't.

:: Jeff Macdonald | Principal Engineer, Messaging Technologies
:: e-Dialog | jmacdonald(_at_)e-dialog(_dot_)com
:: 131 Hartwell Ave. | Lexington, MA 02421 
:: v: 781-372-1922 | f: 781-863-8118 
:: www.e-dialog.com

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