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Re: [spf-discuss] Re: Fw: SRS vs BATV

2006-02-16 21:35:06
On Thu, Feb 16, 2006 at 08:06:26PM -0800, william(at)elan.net wrote:

I'm going to summarize what you just wrote,

Thank you.  I like your summary, though I worry about body header

It's something that's been bugging me in this thread, and unfortunately
it rather confuses the issue a bit as far as how you can reliably know
when you should be able to verify non-bounce addresses:

Just an address might be valid for 2821 MAIL FROM but not for 2822
body-header From, and vice versa--and folks wanting to use SES/BATV/VERP
type schemes find a use for that difference in what's valid where--I'm
wondering if what shows up as, say, a PRA (or Reply-To:) should always
be considered valid for a non-bounce RCPT TO:.

For instance, given a 2821 SUBMITTER, 2822 Reply-To:, 2822-ish/SenderID
PRA...should any of those things really in particular be assummed to
have to be valid arguments of a RCPT-TO: for non-bounce messages?  (And
are there good hard and fast rules you can use to figure out what REALLY
should pass non-bounce tests?)

For instance, if you have a message with a particular address
2821-SUBMITTER'ing the mail, where that address is the same as the PRA,
but there is a different Reply-To: address--is it okay if the SUBMITTER
address accepts neither bounces nor non-bounces, but the Reply-To takes
non-bounces?  Does that answer change if the messages has been PRA-style
forwarded multiple times--after the domains in the original email
(including the Reply-To: domain) have expired?

I'm worried that there are likely all sorts of odd corner cases that can
make this sort of body-header-address-verification tricky and

However, at least the answers for MAIL FROM addresses are much simpler.

Mark Shewmaker

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