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Re: [spf-discuss] How can one alert domain admins of broken spf records

2006-06-08 07:25:52

Neutral is a decision made by the publishing party, and effectively
asks you to process the message as if no SPF record was available.
It certainly does not mean you should reject the message, au contraire.
  I was going thru TFM ultimately , but it says SPF_NETUTRAL should be
treated as no record. But Spamassassin by default scores it 1.07. Should
I reduce the score then .. I think scoring such mail is against SPF
compliance. Wonder why it is done so in Spamassassin ?

The fact that a message scores SPF_NEUTRAL *does* statistically say
something about the likelyhood it is spam. Just like the fact that a
sending system is listed in a dial-up list or is located in China or Korea
for instance. It surely doesn't mean it *is* spam however (in fact, many
messages scoring SPF_NEUTRAL are non-spam).

This is one of the fundamental things that is often not understood when
considering rules in SA. The fact that one rule apparently is scoring in
error, doesn't make that rule invalid/incorrect. One of the key points in
SA rules, is that it is desireable to have many rules contributing each a
small amount of points, rather than having one rule a large number.

The only thing you can't do with a message scoring SPF_NEUTRAL is outright
reject it, solely based on the fact it scores SPF_NEUTRAL.

Regards, Arjen
Eindhoven - The Netherlands
Key fingerprint - 66 4E 03 2C 9D B5 CB 9B  7A FE 7E C1 EE 88 BC 57

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