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Re: [spf-discuss] Re: Contact page requests going to SPF-discuss

2006-06-25 11:16:26
On Sun, 25 Jun 2006 12:20:32 +0000 Julian Mehnle <julian(_at_)mehnle(_dot_)net> 
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Koen Martens wrote:
Also, 'spf-discuss' is something else than 'project staff'. For all
practical purposes, 'spf-discuss' equals 'the world' and 'project
staff' does not..

But "publicly" does qualify as "the world", does it not?

I agree with Scott in his follow-up in this thread, that we need to
be explicit about sending submissions off to spf-discuss.

So far we have the following suggestion:

"This issue [ may / may not ] be discussed publicly by project staff with
identifying information (e-mail addresses, domains, etc.) included"

- From those who think we need to be explicit about sending submissions 
to our mailing lists, would someone please suggest an improved wording?

First, I think it may be simpler just to send them all to the RT and let us 
helpers send on what needs to go to a public list. 

However, I'd propose the following in place of the current text if we keep 
this setup:

"This issue [ may / may not ] be discussed publicly by project volunteers 
with identifying information (e-mail addresses, domains, etc.) included - 
note: public messages are sent to the spf-discuss mailing list for 
community review"

Scott K

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