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[spf-discuss] DKIM-SSP integration SPF

2006-08-09 23:04:15

If it has not already been done, I think it is fast approaching the time the
SPF community develop a clear picture on how it will accept and live in a
future DKIM-SSP world.

SPF includes administrators, developers and vendors and together, we should
work out the logic of how SPF can work with DKIM:

    - how it can make DKIM-SSP better,
    - how DKIM-SPP can make SPF better.

If this has been discussed, chatted, or debated, we should pound it out and
document it into a official SPF-DKIM-SSP Integration IETF I-D document.

Unless anyone else wants to do it, I volunteer to write the I-D document
once the interface requirements are worked out, which includes working with
the final deposition of the DKIM-SSP design.


Hector Santos, Santronics Software, Inc.

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