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Re: [spf-discuss] Re: spamcop and DSN

2006-08-30 11:51:14
On Wed, Aug 30, 2006 at 02:20:26PM -0400, Stuart D. Gathman wrote:

That is what I do for my own domains.  But this requires rejecting
clueless senders.  My clients can't do that.  There is actually no
real problem.  I heuristically reject most of the junk, and DSNs to
clueless senders are cached and resent only once per month.  The

Now you are assuming you are the only one doing this.  Suppose that
would be true, then you would be doing something very weird.

OK, so it's not true.  Then you are just one of many contributing to
the global backscatter problem spamcop is trying to fight.

resulting DSN rate is very low.  My client is only occasionally blacklisted by
spamcop for 24 hours (average of once every 18 days according to spamcop).
They are fine with waiting until the next day to send their email to
clients protected by spamcop.

Being blacklisted twenty times a year is considered OK? 

I'd say it's not just your client's clients that are clueless.

Doesn't your client see that it is quite selfish of them if they
require everyone to suffer from bogus DSNs just so that they do
not risc missing 0.001% of their business?

Money again... sigh.

If they want to make that extra buck and if I have to suffer for
this, they can pay me.  If you don't want to risc loosing your
clients over this, you can pay me to.

Please contact me privately so that we can work this out.  Else stop
sending your spam.

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