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[spf-discuss] Re: Fixing Forwarding with RPF

2006-11-13 12:24:41
"Alex" == Alex van den Bogaerdt
"Re: Re: Fixing Forwarding with RPF"
 Sat, 11 Nov 2006 22:29:58 +0100

    Alex> On Sat, Nov 11, 2006 at 03:17:23PM -0500, John A. Martin
    Alex> wrote:
    >> Thank you.  Although I use XCLIENT for debugging it is however
    >> not obvious to me how to option Postfix to do the XCLIENT trick
    >> on the next hop nor how to actually make a smtp client use the
    >> XCLIENT commands Do you have more pointers?  Sample
    >> configuration or code?

    Alex> The point is: do you understand what I mean and do you
    Alex> understand why it would be useful.

I must be confused.

I understand is that the Postfix XCLIENT command must be offered by a
SMTP server as part of the reply to the EHLO command and that the SMTP
client may use XCLIENT commands to request an override of the server's
notion or the client name, address, protocol (SMTP or ESMTP), or SMTP
HELO parameter as offered.  This has obvious utility for debugging and
for relay clients and for content filtering clients under the same
management control as the SMTP server.  I am unaware of a general
purpose SMTP client that can be configured to issue XCLIENT commands.
XCLIENT commands would of course be useless when forwarding to SMTP
servers that do net offer them as would be likely to occur when
forwarding indiscriminately beyond ones "administrative domain".

    Alex> I needed an example and used something I know to exist.

I must have been mistaken but I took your use of the example an being
an existing implementation in actual use for forwarding in general.
Given a suitable SMTP client and server that should be pretty simple.
That is why I asked the questions above.


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