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Re: [spf-discuss] Exim ACL at http://www.ols.es/exim/spf.acl -- is it gone?

2006-11-17 10:49:35
Hi !!


the SPF website lists[1] your Exim ACL at http://www.ols.es/exim/spf.acl as an SPF extension for Exim. However, your SPF Exim ACL seems to be gone. Is that really the case, and if so: why?

mm ... i did not remember they have a link to it ... i will put it again
online for 'historical' purposes. BTW exim has now better spf support
via libspf2 and that acl was primitive in the sense that it does not
support all spf features, just the most basic ones.

Best regards ...

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