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Re: [spf-discuss] Re: SPF support in Debian's exim4 packages

2006-11-27 18:12:02
On Tue, 28 Nov 2006 00:49:51 +0000 Julian Mehnle <julian(_at_)mehnle(_dot_)net> 
Hash: SHA1

Seth Goodman wrote:
I don't know exactly what the Exim maintainers are putting into etch.
The note you cited seemed to indicate that they will still rely on
spfquery rather than linking to SPF libraries.  IIUC, the negative
comment concerning SPF will be gone, which is good. Unfortunately, it
appears that we will still be forced to use the perl implementation
or rebuild from source, which most people will not do. There was also
a reference that I did not understand to certain features of spfquery
that the maintainer himself used but would not go into the Debian
package.  I confess to not understanding this.  How up to date is the
perl code compared to the libspf2 implementation that Exim users
outside Debian normally get?

Mail::SPF::Query and the spfquery tool based on it are hopelessly 
They barely work but have a lot of problems.

Yes and while libspf2 is much more robust and modern it is AFAIK 
effectively unmaintained at the moment.  Neither is an ideal choice.

Scott K

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