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Re: [spf-discuss] forwarded mail being bounced (by spf check)

2007-01-26 01:55:22
Per Jessen <per(_at_)computer(_dot_)org> writes:

1. I send an email to "peter(_at_)theirdomain" - my return address
is "bounces(_at_)spamchek(_dot_)com". 
2. Apparently this is forwarded from "peter(_at_)theirdomain"
to "peter(_at_)anotherdomain".  This appears to be done by the mailserver
for <theirdomain>.
3. The mail server at <anotherdomain> rejects it due to <theirdomain>
not being listed as a mailserver for <spamchek.com>.

Should this really be happening? 

IMHO yes it should. But what you should now do is change your address
book and send mail direct to "peter(_at_)anotherdomain" rather than to the
forwarding address. This would both get round the problem of the SPF
rejection and cut down on the volume of mail (as it would only be sent
once, to the final destination, not twice, first to the forwarder and
then to the final destination).

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