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Re: [spf-discuss] forwarded mail being bounced (by spf check)

2007-01-26 05:59:58
On Friday 26 January 2007 04:50, Per Jessen wrote:
Graham Murray wrote:
IMHO yes it should. But what you should now do is change your address
book and send mail direct to "peter(_at_)anotherdomain" rather than to the
forwarding address.

That's not an option unfortunately. I have no way of knowing if it is a
permanent forwarding nor if or when it might change.  Besides, I would
rather not create such inter-dependencies between myself and a
customer.  Thanks for your reply.

In this case I would either send the customer a direct e-mail indicating you 
had trouble with the address they supplied and ask them to give you a correct 
address (and update it when it changes) or keep the address they gave you and 
resend when it bounces at the distant end.

Scott K

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