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RE: [spf-discuss] SPF basics commentary

2007-01-29 11:19:28
At 12:41 PM 1/29/2007 -0500, Stuart D. Gathman wrote:
On Mon, 29 Jan 2007, David MacQuigg wrote:

> As you say, the "IPname" is often not very useful.  It is assigned by the
> network owner, and station operators within their network have little
> control over it.  The HELO name *is* under the station operator's control,
> and is much more useful for identifying and assigning reputation to the
> party responsible for the transmission.

The picture I'm getting from the big ISP representatives here is that
they are more interested in whether the *IP* owner has authorized the
connection than in whether the domain owner has authorized it.  (The
IP owner being the ISP or a class C or bigger customer.)  They
seem to want IP based reputation only.

My guess is that this is less a result of careful planning, and more a result of inertia in the way big companies do business. To the extent there is any strategic planning, there may be a bias against any simple, reliable authentication/reputation system. Such a system would save only a little in their current costs, and open the door for competition from little guys.

What I am working for is a system in which the little guy can establish a good reputation quickly and with very little effort beyond what is needed to keep his outgoing mail spam free.

-- Dave

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