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Re: [spf-discuss] Re: forwarded mail being bounced (by spf check)

2007-01-26 03:16:18
Frank Ellermann wrote:

In essence you have two options, either send directly to the
"new" address as indicated in the bounce, or risk to use an
unprotected MAIL FROM address.  The latter is dangerous if
the spammers somehow find and abuse it.

Unprotected as in "without SPF record"?  Which would produce a SOFT FAIL
or something on the final destination end? 

Working as designed, I hope that won't disappoint you - for a summary
compare the Wikipedia article about SPF [1], or the openspf.org FAQ

Thanks Frank - well, yeah, it does disappoint me to some extent, but
I'll survive :-) 

2: http://www.openspf.org/FAQ/Forwarding

Thanks, very helpful.  I'll most probably opt to pass the buck ... to
the postmaster at the final destination. 

/Per Jessen, Zürich

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